Friday, May 02, 2008

Unemployed: Day 1

On my walk to Jay's after the "morning" jog (Read: I woke up at 11 and went for a run.) I passed an elementary school. It was PE time. Standing around a giant brightly colored parachute stood about 25 tiny people and one teacher.

My question to you: Where can I get one of those things? That was hands down my most favorite thing to do in elementary school PE (wait, I really loved the scooter things too and crab soccer--crab soccer rocked). How wonderful would it be to play with that everyday while I'm not working?


Renee said...

Man oh man...Courtney is right. We are sort of the same person. I mean, I know probably every kid LOVED the parachute day in PE...but I seriously LOVED it. There was something magical about that day. And, lots of kids hated crab soccer...but it was one of my favorites. I think we should start an adult crab soccer league. Whatdya say? Too bad we're not in the same city. If I lived in Alameda and was unemployed, we could start our very own Day Club, Northern CA.

Amanda said...

I thought you still had to work a couple of weeks-wow you are already done. These parachutes are not hard to find--you can get them at Gymborees or order them--the big ones are $$$, but you can get a smaller one for not too much!