Thursday, February 08, 2007

Cracking under Pressure

So, Lori has been trying to talk me into blogging for months now...months! Well, I love reading Lori's blog. Wait, I mean, I used to love reading--she's "busy" blah blah blah. She's so funny...reading her blog is like looking into my soul.

Now, I know I'm funny. I am. It's a gift. I often think of funny things to say as well. However, the task of being a blogger seemed daunting. How could I be expected to be funny every day. Each day a new story to tell. Each day a new diatribe on the intricacies of life. Being a "lazy" person, I knew that I wasn't ready for this challenge. Therefore, I happily dedicated a few minutes everyday to Lori's blog. I was very content with this life. In fact, I even discovered Kellie's friend Cindy's blog. This blog has brought me hours and hours of happiness and entertainment.

So, after much reflection. I began to think: hey, maybe I actually could blog. So, I started to think about what I could blog about as I went through my daily life. I also started taking pictures of stuff that I thought would be fun to blog about (hence the blog about my coasters). Well, I thought I had gathered enough material and could think of several funny things....and I finally started my blog. I'm a blogger. I've arrived. I did it. I even blogged for a couple of consecutive days. I told my two friends about it. They read the blog. They laughed. It was awesome. I was taking the blogging world by storm.

Three blog entries later, I was spent. I had nothing in me. Sure, funny things happened. Sure, I still emailed Amy and Natalie about my crazy life and analysis, but there was nothing left to blog about. I decided that taking a day off was okay. So I did. One day turned into two and then three. I then started thinking about things I could definitely blog about: I've forgotten all of them. Well, the pressure to blog has gotten to me and I've gone several days with nothing. Plus, this isn't a story and there are no pictures.

I do not consider myself a failure. I'm merely learning my limitations (really, I'm not too surprised by this--ask Lori, I totally called it). So, be patient with me as I'm learning to blog--I guess that I can't be perfect at everything.


leslaz said...

have no fear, alisa. at least you have a cool background. I've just mastered linkage. I plan to make a video of amy sitting at her desk at work....I'll let you know when I conquer the video post. woot!

Anonymous said...

perhaps some comments will help inspire you . . .

Anonymous said...

woo hoo! I got a blog mention. yes, that's me: email exchanger and analyst of alisa's life. oh, I'll definitely keep reading the blog now.