Tales of an awkward 12 year old trapped in the body of a 34 year old.
Monday, June 04, 2007
I'm in Love
That's right mom, I'm in love. Don't start planning the wedding though because it's not like that. When I was in Portland I got distracted by all the fancy shops and got sucked into a Nordstrom only to fall in love with these:
My feet have never been more happy wearing animal bi-products (although I'm pretty sure that no zebra's were killed in the making of my shoes). I hope you all enjoy the nice shot of my feet, they look white and big at this angle.
I covet your shoes.
WHAT?? You were in Portland and you didn't call me?? I could kill you (and steal your shoes in the process)!
Hello Lover!
Those shoes are hot! Peep-=toe, animal print high heeled pumps. I bet you drive the boys crazy!
wha-whoo! hot stuff!
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