Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I've heard rumors that a couple of my blog readers are wondering why I haven't posted and updated this space in a few days. Well, do you want to know why I'm waiting to update the blog? I'll tell you.

In my previous post, see below, I requested a secret be told by my regular blog visitors. The only responses I received were from my sister who was mad at me for not including her in the regular group and Leslie who is just mad at me for not shouting her name out more, I guess. Well, Kellie, I'm sorry, and I'd love to hear your secrets. And LESLIE, how's that for a shout out? I'd love to hear all of your secrets, and I'm not afraid to wait for them.

That's right. There will be no new posts until I get some secrets: so start sharing!


Natalie said...

My friend Alisa once gave me a sample bottle of my favorite cologne for Christmas. She would sneak into my cubicle unannounced and spray it. She would then stand in a comatose state of happiness for a few mintues smelling the pleasant aroma that filled my cube. Not many people know this about her.

leslaz said...

Fine. Here's something that I always feel bad telling people, but not because I am ashamed of it. It's just awkward form some reason for some people...dunno....

I hated the movie Zoolander. Couldn't even finish it. I may have cracked a wee smile during the gas station scene, but not really. I turned it off immediately after. I also hated The Nutty Professor. HATED. Didn't finish that one either.

Everyone loves those movies. Not me. Apparently, I am the shunned minority.