As promised, I'm going to continue to share useless, interesting and fun facts about myself with my reading public. Again, some of these may be new, some may not. Some show my hidden depth while others confirm that I'm completely hollow inside.
51. I don't like kittens, cats or puppies....I can tolerate dogs if they are big. I'd be just fine if I never had a pet.
52. I have no idea how I survived before discovering pedicures. Thank you Amanda for getting married and having mom buy us all pedicures.
53. I have to sleep in the middle of my bed. I also try and take up as much room as possible.
54. I hate getting ready for bed. I don't hate washing my face, brushing my teeth or flossing. I hate the energy exerted to "get ready for bed."
55. I love pre-sleeping (taking a quick nap on the couch before getting ready for bed) but try to avoid it because I tend to wake up at 3 in the morning to go and get ready for bed.
56. On lazy Saturday mornings, I turn on the television and always hope that TBS or ABC Family will be having a bad movie marathon that day (by bad I mean awesome movies that you can't admit to liking because it is just not cool). This rarely happens and am I forced to watch something stupid while I eat my cereal.
57. I've been meaning to decorate my office at work since I moved in in January.
58. I practice my signature until it looks has evolved into an A with a squiggle and I couldn't be more pleased with it.
59. The Minnesotan accent is by far my favorite. I think this may have derived from Drop Dead Gorgeous.
60. I don't know how to drive a stick shift...and I really don't care if I ever learn.
61. I don't remember ever having church treats as a kid; however, now I can't go a Sunday without snacks for Sunday school--except fast Sunday.
62. I love getting non-junk, non-bill mail...random letters are the greatest things ever.
63. I have really good cop karma...I have no idea why, but I'm not complaining. Some people can always find parking places; I don't get pulled over.
64. I look adorable in hats although I never wear hats. I always buy them too because I'm adorable...I wonder what my problem is.
65. I have a way with parents. All women over the age of 40 find me absolutely adorable and perfect for their son, grandson, nephew...impossible to be perfect for all of them, sorry.
66. Friday eve is my favorite day of the week.
67. I've planned out my funny anecdote to tell on Letterman when I become a famous movie star and promote the release of the show--fake laughs and all.
68. I am very skilled at instant messenger and gchat--I surprise myself with the number of conversations I can carry on at the same time. I owe all of my fake typing skills to interoffice IM.
69. I'm not normally afraid of the dark, but sometimes I can freak myself out enough that I get totally scared and it only makes the fear worse.
70. I don't have tivo. This means that when I find a show that I love to watch, I plan my night around being home to watch it. It is bitter sweet when shows end, I get my life back but it closes an era (exhibit a: the Gilmore Girls)
71. I like listening to "bad" music that is awesome on KOIT 96.5 on the radio. I have a theory that lyrics to those songs are ingrained in our souls...think about how many of them you can easily sing along too. Just ask Courtney, she knows.
72. My sales rep in Seattle thinks I look like Mandy Moore. She tells everyone this too. I don't see it. Maybe the bangs.
73. Whenever Lori and I go out to dinner we always go to Stoneground...especially after the stinky cheese incident at Bombera.
74. I get a little sad when I hear or try and speak Korean now because I've forgotten so much. I'm grateful when Koreans humor me and let me talk to them and they say I'm good. I know they are lying, but it makes me feel good.
75. I really enjoy flowers and know how to take care of them, but I have a tendency to kill plants. I think it is a lazy thing.
76. I love reading fashion and entertainment magazines on airplanes and on the beach.
77. I miss being able to sleep in past 8 on a Saturday. Back in college, I could easily sleep in till 1 or 2. Walking up to go to work everyday has totally ruined my internal clock.
78. When I was younger I thought that one day I would have enough freckles that I would be all brown and perma-tan. That never happened.
79. I get an insane amount of junk mail.
80. I bruise really easily. I always seem to have one and have no idea where it came from.
81. I'm on a quest to discover/create the best chocolate chip cookie recipe ever.
82. Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if it were a musical.
83. Raw tomatoes make me want to die...I had to eat them "to be nice" in Korea and it almost killed me. They are disgusting.
84. I miss being able to stay up for Letterman every once in awhile back in Utah. Prime time starts so late in California.
85. I love having house jokes that we can get all of our friends into. (Who's glad that guy's gone? What the h? Number 1, Ne na ne na, etc)
86. I always think I want a job that I have to be dressed in business formal all the time, but then when I have to wear a suit for a few days in a row, I'm totally glad that's not the case.
87. I'm pretty sure that I'm tied for funniest person in the ward. Self-proclaimed.
88. I play two chords on the guitar really well...the rest, not so much. I should practice.
89. I've lived in California for 18 months and am still driving around with a Utah license. I'm not so sure that is legal. I don't want to have to take a driving test.
90. I ride the bus every day with basically the same people. They all seem to be a lot more social than me since they will chat with each other while waiting. I just stand there and wait for the bus. I do however have two friends on the bus: Melissa and Scott. Awesome!
91. I don't wear glasses or contacts. I want a pair of glasses to wear as an accessory.
92. I often determine what I'm going to wear based off of the shoes that I want to wear.
93. It takes me forever to use gift cards that I receive. I either wait until there is something I really want to buy, or I forget I have them and just pay for stuff instead of using the gift card.
94. I like checking things off of to do lists. Sometimes I'll write down things that I do every day just so I have something to check off.
95. I keep to dos on post-it notes on my desk, along with reminders and things. This causes my desk to fill up with lots of post-it notes. I hate it when they lose their sticky and get stuck to my arm or move around on the desk. I also hate it when I use sub-par post-its and they leave a sticky residue on my desk.
96. I prefer using Sharpies and construction paper for most things (grocery lists, letters, sign up sheets, etc.).
97. If they didn't bleed through paper, I would only use Sharpie markers. I don't make mistakes and can handle the permanent ink. Just kidding--I just like the fine point Sharpie's.
98. Every time I clean my office and bedroom, I'm amazed at how quickly they get cluttered again. I'm not a dirty person, stuff just builds up.
99. Dirty bathrooms and kitchens gross me out.
100. I have a good sense of direction and can follow maps very well.